Presenting Your Design Solution

The best way to present your Design Solution is a drawing. Alternatively, you could build a prototype and record a video explaining how it works.

What do I need to do?

Your drawing should show how your solution will work. To do this you will need to annotate your drawing and provide some written explanations or guidance. It can help to think about the following elements to include:

  • How have you addressed your Challenge and the Context?
  • Which Functions have you integrated into your design? (you can name and label them)
  • Which organisms inspired your design and how? (you can add a short description)
  • What external research has helped you? (provide a reference list)

Remember, that other Teams viewing your Design Solution will want to know how it works.

It is up to you how you present your Design Solution. Some options include text, drawing, video and voiceover. You could use a PowerPoint, Word, audio or video file.

Check out the Youth Design Challenge from the Biomimicry Institute. You will find great examples of project presentations to inspire you. What do you like about them? What elements of their presentation would you like to include into your own?

Copyright – it is best to produce your own drawing or prototype but if you wish to use external images to help, you must make sure you have permission to use them (check the copyright permission before using any external images).