Create Your Design Solution

It is time to turn your research from nature into a Design Solution.

Remember your Challenge

Take a look back at your Challenge to remind yourself about the problem you are trying to address, and the Research Question(s) you need to answer.

Look through the Design Principles you developed in the last phase. Which will best help solve your Challenge? How can you integrate them into your Design Solution? You do not need to include all of them.

What do I need to do?

Follow these five steps:

  1. Make a list of all the ideas you have, or draw your ideas. Don’t worry about assessing the quality of each idea yet, just write down or draw as many as possible.
  2. Read through the ideas deciding which are good and which not so good.
  3. Try mixing one idea with another. What you think of first might not be the best.
  4. Take your best ideas and try explaining them to someone new and ask for their feedback.
  5. Keep refining your ideas until you have a solution you feel can work.

Look at what other Teams are doing, can you use some of their ideas in your Design Solution? Remember to Appreciate and Comment if you do.