Introduction to Sustainable Development Goals

In this Section, you will start to think about the Challenge you will work on together as a Team. Your Challenge will be linked to a Sustainable Development Goal.

Green building with plants - Unsplash

What do we mean by sustainable futures?

Sustainable Development Goals are very big challenges which have been identified by the United Nations as priority areas for countries to work on. Although each goal has global significance and often seems beyond our influence, Challenges related to each goal can be found in our homes, schools and communities.

Watch the video below to hear about an example - Goal 11 : 'Sustainable Cities and Communities':

What do I need to do?

In Natural Entrepreneurs you will be working with six of the SDG's:

  • Zero Hunger.
  • Good Health and Well-being.
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth.
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities.
  • Responsible Consumption and Production.

Next, select a SDG and Challenge to work on.