Discover Nature Method 1 - Go Outside and Look

Looking in your local environment is really important. Researching ideas locally will help you find ideas and inspiration which are already adapted to your local environment (see Context). Of course, you can find inspiration from organisms anywhere, but remember that your Design Solution will need to work in your locality.

How to look? Observing Functions.

Complete steps 1 to 3 below.

  1. Select a local habitat, ideally the place where your Design Solution will be implemented. Vividly describe your habitat using no more than five sentences.
  2. In this habitat, find and describe two organisms which deliver the Functions on your list. If you can find the name of the organism that is great, but if you cannot then do not worry. Use the Observation Star to help deepen your observation skills.
  3. For each example, describe how the Function is delivered. What is the Strategy and mechanism your chosen organism uses to achieve this Function? You might need to carry out some online research to help you.

Complete parts 1 – 3 in your Species Report Card for each Function you study. You will complete part 4 later (Design Principles).

The Observation Star worksheet can help you to make better observations of your selected organism. Each point of the star asks you to observe your organism in a different way.