Discover Nature Method 3 - Research Science Literature Online

Use Google Scholar to search for research papers that discuss the Functions you are interested in, or to search for organisms which live in the same habitat your solution will be implemented in.

How to read a scientific paper

  1. Read the abstract and decide if the article could be relevant for you.
  2. Carefully read through the entire article at least two times - first to get a general understanding of the research, and secondly to make notes of key information.
  3. Think back to the Function you are researching - can you describe the Strategy and mechanism used to deliver the Function?
  4. Use the Species Report Card to make notes and record your research findings. Complete parts 1 - 3 for each Function you study. You will complete part 4 later (Design Principles).

Good to know

Here are a couple of examples for using Google Scholar.

Go to Google Scholar and search 'biomimicry insulation.' One result is a paper called 'Biomimicry in textiles: past, present and potential. An overview.' Here you will find fascinating examples of textiles inspired by nature.

Perhaps you are interested in building. A search for ‘biomimicry store energy’ will lead you to a great paper called ‘Biomimicry and the Built Environment, Learning from Nature’s Solutions.’ This paper provides excellent example about generating as well as storing energy.

Sadly, not all scientific papers are free to read, but plenty are.